Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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System PlayTrack version 1.06 Mk II
© David J Seery 1993
Licence agreement
This has been changed from previous versions! See the 'License' file for
details of your rights and responsibilties.
This software is provided "as is"; no warranty, express or implied, is given
as to the merchantability of this software or its fitness for any given
purpose. No responsibility can be taken by either the author or any
distributers of this software regarding loss of time, data, profits, staff,
media, or anything else due to the direct or indirect use or misuse of
this software.
Although the software has been tested thoroughly it should be said that the
testing was carried out on a base model machine - an A310 with a single
floppy and Risc OS 2, with 1Mb, so no guarantees as regards multiscan
monitors, Risc OS 3, A4s etc., can be made. However as !PlayTrack does
everything legally it should work on any configuration.
!PlayTrack was written to fill a gaping hole in Archimedes SoundTracker
(and Tracker) playback routines: there are virtually no players around that
can give the (experienced) user analysis and details on the Tracker module
being played, while allowing a more basic user to use the software at a
simpler level.
!PlayTrack was written with the object of achieving both of these goals and
in its present incarnation is a fairly good player but it should be noted
that you can't actually write or score music with !PlayTrack: only playback
what somebody else has actually written.
The controls provided by the system are deliberately like a cassette or
video recorder: fast forward, rewind, pause, stop, and play, all are
supported along with a volume control.
In this document, we will examine the menu that !PlayTrack provides
(there is only one main menu: the iconbar menu) and then each window in
turn, explaining its features and how to use it, and perhaps at this point
it would be advantageous to list the features that !PlayTrack provides.
o Rewind, Pause, Stop, Play and Fast Forward
o Pattern position counter
o Internal speaker toggle
o Mute button
o Volume control
o Module and tune statistics
o 8 channel playback and stereo positioning
o Independant stereo
o Detailed samples list
o User controlled tune buffer
o A variety of user preferences
o A machine code redrawn 8 channel vu-meter
o Display sample waveform and hear sample
o Cathode Ray Oscilloscope display
o Tune monitor
o Save tune as Relocatable Module
o Volume control
o 8 Channel individual mute
o Sample rate control
This is, of course, only a brief list.
1.1 The Main Menu
The main menu is accessed from the iconbar and contains the entries
Info, Open, Save, Stop, and Quit. The first and last are largely self
explanatory and are the standard Risc OS functions of this type.
Open leads to a menu with 10 entries which allows you to open any of
!PlayTrack's windows. A keyboard short cut is also listed opposite each
item. The Save option leads to a dialogue box which will be explained in
the section on saving a tune as a relocatable module; Stop halts the current
tune according the the user preferences which are set in the Preferences
The menu is fairly short as !PlayTrack's main features are accessed from the
windows, and so it is to these that we must turn out attention.
2.1 The Control Window (Shift-F1)
Along the top of this window are the five control icons for controlling the
tune currently playing; below this is a position counter showing the current
position (left) and the total number of positons (right). Opposite this
the tune name is displayed when one is playing. Two toggles control the
state of the internal speaker and the mute condition. When the mute toggle
is on, no sound is played, but when it is off (the normal condition) sound
is buffered normally. The red bar at the bottom of the window is the
volume control. Just slide it to the correct place to set the volume, it
is (internally) on a scale of 1-127 but you need not worry about this.
Below the red volume bar are 8 toggle buttons which control individual
channel muting. If a button is 'pressed' then that the corresponding
channel is playing. If it is 'released' then the channel is muted.
Click over the buttons to change the state of each channel. Next to these
is the sample speed controller. Click over the number with Select to
increase it and Adjust to decrease it. The speed is in the range 0-5
and the numbers mean:
0 - normal sample rate
1 - half sample rate
2 - normal sample rate (with VIDC enhancer)
3 - half sample rate (with VIDC enhancer)
4 - normal sample rate (with VGA modes)
5 - half sample rate (with VGA modes)
If option 1, 3 or 5 is selected, the sample quality is reduced, but 8 channel
tunes will take up only a little more time than 4 channel tunes originally.
Changine the speed alters the approximate ammount of CPU time spent playing
the tune; if you select the wrong speed it may result in a loss of quality.
2.2 The Tune Information Window (Shift-F2)
This window is "static" which means it merely provides information about
the tune and the user cannot interact with it. The window lists the
filename of the tune, and its size (both in bytes and kilobytes); the
number of voices, patterns, and its speed; the tune name and its author;
and the instruments and format it is in.
2.3 The Stereo Positioning window (Shift-F3)
This window affords the user overall control over the stero positioning.
Unlike a lot of playback programs, and the poor Amoeba, !PlayTrack allows
full 8 channel independant stereo (for tunes that use 8 channels!).
Channels 1 to 4 are displayed along the top, with channels 5 to 8 at the
bottom of the window. Each channel can have 7 positions within its
predetermined range; alter this by clicking on the left or right arrow on
the appropriate side of the stereo positon display.
!PlayTrack is the only SoundTracker playback routine that I know of (in the
PD) that has "sophisticated" facilities (that is, it isn't just a front end)
that can handle 8 channel trackers.
2.4 The Samples Window (Shift-F4)
This window allows you to view all the samples that a tune uses, but like
the tune information window it is static and therefore non-interactive.
The information listed for each tune is its number, name, volume, and
2.5 The Buffer Control Window (Shift-F5)
!PlayTrack maintains a buffer in RMA (the Relocatable Module Area) into
which it loads tunes to be played. The advantage of this mechanism is that
the tune is assured of workspace in which it can be played. This might
not be available were !PlayTrack not to maintain this buffer.
The major disadvantage is that the buffer has to be as large as your
largest tune, and it is therefore not sensible for me to set the buffer to,
say 400k (as big as my biggest tune) if the largest you have is 128k.
The buffer is therefore "dynamic", this means that you can alter it during
the life of the program, although not, for obvious reasons, while a tune
is playing. To alter the size of the buffer, type the number you want
into the writable icon at the top of the window and either press return
or click on the "Intialise Buffer" bar. This bar will slab in and the size
of the buffer will be adjusted. You can save this permanantly from the
Preferences window.
Also displayed in this window is a "used" and "free" section so you can see
how much you need to alter the buffer by, if need be.
2.6 The Preferences Window (Shift-F6)
This window allows you to specify your own personal preferences to set
!PlayTrack up to your way of working. The options available are:
o Load and Play
If set, after loading the tune will play.
Default: On
o Set clock rate
If set, the sound system DMA clock will be set to the
value in the writable icon on startup.
Default: Off
o Delete track on Stop
If set, the track will be deleted when stop is clicked,
otherwise playing will cease and the counter be reset
to 0.
Default: On
o Auto filetype as STModule
Tracker or SoundTracker tunes are available filetyped
as a variety of types, and it helps if all are a uniform
type. !PlayTrack uses &CB6, STModule, as its standard
format and if this is set, then all tunes will be
set to this type after loading them.
Default: Off
o Mahoney & Kaktus scan
If set, the 31 instrument format will be detected by an
ASCII 'x' character in this file; otherwise a scan
for the "M.K." string will be performed. This string
was introduced by Mssrs. Mahoney & Kaktus when they
expanded the SoundTracker standard.
Default: Off
These options can be saved permanantly by clicking the Save icon. The
buffer size is also saved with the options file.
2.7 The Vu-Meter (Shift-F7)
This is simply an 8 channel vu-meter with no really fancy touches or graphics
but it does it's job. One of the things to be improved, if I ever get
round to it. Looks pretty and impresses the boss.
2.8 The Sample Waveform Window (Shift-F8)
This is a useful tool for users who like to tinker, but it has a serious
value as well. While a tune is playing (or even paused) you can type a
sample number you have looked up in the Samples window into the writable icon
and press return: the waveform for the sample will then be drawn. It will
be too long to fit onto the screen, so a scrolling window is supplied
instead. The two vertical lines, if present, mark out the sample repeat
start and end positions.
You can also hear the sample by clicking on the hear button.
2.9 The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Window (Shift-F9)
This (tiny) window displays the output from the channel displayed in the
title bar on its rather garish green surface. Still, that is what CRCs
look like, so who am I to argue?
You can increment the channel number by pressing Select over the window,
and decrement it by Adjust.
2.10 The Monitor (Shift-F10)
This is a bit of a stopgap until I can get a machine code one written,
but it works, and that is the main thing!
3.1 Saving a tune as a Relocatable Module
You can save a tune as a relocatable module be either accessing the save
window from the menu, or via F3. The two toggle icons allow you to specify
whether you would like the tune to autoplay after loading, and whether you
want any * commands to be implemented. After setting up your choices,
drag the save icon to a directory viewer and the file will be saved.
After this you just need a copy of the TrackerModule (from inside !PlayTrack)
and you can then "play" the Relocatable Module.
The main use for this, I think, will be for programmers wanting to
incorporate Tracker tunes into their games, but who don't know how. You
can easily do this using the Relocatable Modules and if you need to pause
or stop the tune, the * commands will allow you to do this.
4.1 The Keyboard Shortcuts
The F key shortcuts are only available if the pointer is in a PlayTrack
window, this is because we don't want to pinch other program's keypresses!
The full list is:
F1 - Internal speaker toggle
F2 - Mute toggle
F3 - Save dialogue
F4 - Rewind
F5 - Pause
F6 - Stop
F7 - Play
F8 - Fast Forward
F9 - Volume Down
F10 - Volume Up
F11 - Reset (Internal speaker off, mute off, volume to 100%, play on,
counter reset to 0)
And for Shifted function keys:
F1 - Control window
F2 - Tune information
F3 - Stereo
F4 - Samples
F5 - Buffer
F6 - Preferences
F7 - Vu-meter
F8 - Sample Waveform
F9 - CRO
F10 - Monitor
Pressing the function key for a corresponding window when it is open will
close the window, so it acts like a toggle or flip-flop if you are used
to electronic terms.
4.2 The !Music Directory
Also supplied with !PlayTrack is a directory called !Music which is really
a place to put your Tracker files. You may need more than one if you've
got a lot on floppies. It keeps your root directory neat and tidy and
looks good too! Double click it to open up the directory viewer, as usual.
4.3 CDs and PlayLists
Thanks to Colin McEwan for this idea.
If you drag a !Music Directory onto the !PlayTrack icon then !PlayTrack
will play every tune in that directory in a cyclical fashion, without any
user intervention - you can just sit back and enjoy the music!
If you want something a little more complex then you can create a PlayList.
This is a textfile (as created by !Edit) which simply lists all the tunes
you want to play - but you must list the FULL pathnames, otherwise
!PlayTrack will get confused. When you drag this file to the icon
!PlayTrack will pick a tune at random and play it, and then another at
random when that has finished, and so on. The tunes may be spread over
several discs, and !PlayTrack will prompt you for the correct disc if
!PlayTrack now detects the end of a tune if the pattern position jumps
to one which is smaller than the current one. This avoids the problem
of tunes which don't jump back to position 0 (eg Powerslave) but means
that tunes which jump around all over the place may get unduly harsh
treatment! Still, I think this newer way is better overall.
The easiest way to create the PlayList is to Shift-Drag the files into
an !Edit window, this adds the pathnames at the cursor position.
5.1 The End (!!)
That is about all for this release: I hope you enjoy using the software
and find it useful.
Bug reports, comments (always welcome), ideas (please!), or anything else,
should be addressed to:
David J Seery
15 Farm Walk
Bents Farm Estate
OL15 8LJ
If you want a reply, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Failure to enclose one may lead to a failiure to reply!